Fairytales usually start with “Once upon a time in a land far, far away…” This starts our minds imagining all kinds of beautiful scenery, castles, princesses and knights!
We never imagine that fairytales can happen in our own backyards…but they definitely do happen; and in DJ & Sydney’s case, it happened in the desert!
When I first saw Ever After: A Cinderella Story, a fabulous twist on the traditional Cinderella story, I was elated! Here was a hard-working, independent woman that suffered trials but allowed them to make her stronger; she chose to stand up and work for what she wanted….such a great literary role-model for girls, everywhere!
Sydney is a literal “Ever After Cinderella-type” role model! She is someone that has overcome personal trials and emerged a woman of courage, faith and strength!
Sydney and DJ have their own, beautiful, fairytale; they have found each other and are building a wonderful future together!
They are so happy to be beginning their happily ever after…
They have found in each other the balance they need in their lives…they truly compliment one another.
Watching them, you can see how their individual strengths bring fortitude to their relationship…
…and I loved seeing how DJ’s face lit up every time he looked at his fiancĂ©!
These two will be married here in Las Vegas, and then they get to go visit Castles in Europe! I’d definitely call that a fairytale beginning of their happily ever after!
…and if anyone deserves a fairytale beginning, it’s DJ & Sydney!
June 6, 2022
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