Sweet & Spunky

This beautiful little girl is the first girl born in her daddy’s family in TWO generations! To say that she is already loved and adored at just 12 days old would be a huge understatement!

newborn wrapped bows

My goal with newborn shoots is to have a sleepy, and therefore, posable, newborn. Little Claire was definitely NOT sleepy! Nor was she posable at first! Haha After about an hour of trying to get her sleepy, we decided to shoot her wide awake. I’m so glad we did! She was so great!

I thought I’d try to wrap her, so her arms wouldn’t be flailing in front of her face. Being all wrapped up was not her favorite; can you tell? 🤣 She was calm but definitely wanted at least one arm “free!” 

Such Spunk! I didn’t realize she’d even made this face…I found it while editing! haha

I then realized that I had been talking to her mom but had neglected to talk to Claire. After all, SHE was my model not mom! I apologized to her for not telling her what we were doing… and proceeded to talk to her and encourage her while she was awake. 

After our initial conversation “we” continued to chat, & I told her what a good job she was doing! She was so happy and sweet! Claire let us know when she was done with her “awake” portion of her shoot and proceeded to eat, again, and fall into a deep enough sleep to achieve these more posed pictures. She still let me know when she didn’t like a pose, however, and I respected that! 

yawning baby newborn
A wonderful yawn…what we’d been waiting for!

I love the awake pics and am so grateful that she was so happy during them! Each baby has their own personality and demeanor…I love getting to know each little person!

Pretty in Peach!

These little ones have come straight from heaven; when you talk to them, they look right into your soul!

big bow baby newborn
Eyes wide open, but happy as a clam!

Now, for the sleepy portion of our program…

sleeping baby newborn photo
Finally asleep…
sleeping baby newborn lace and bows
I love how frilly and delicate everything is!
pink stripes white bow newborn baby
I love stripes on girls!
newborn smiles infant blue and pink
A little touch of blue for daddy…and a smile, too!
blue and pink newborn baby girl
Claire rocks the blue!

The closeups of baby’s features are among my favorites. So tiny and PERFECT!  

baby eyelashes newborn
Oh, those eyelashes…and cheeks!
newborn face delicate white bow
wrapped in white
black & white  newborn baby toes
Tiny little toes
baby lips newborn black and white
-and those lips!

February 24, 2020

  1. Susan says:

    You captured her personality so well! These are absolutely adorable! These babies come straight from Heaven! The only way to tell us of where they’ve come from is through their eyes! Love looking into them. What a blessing!

  2. Sam Graff says:

    Fantastic job Andrea!!

  3. Jolene MacKay says:

    I love this new Blog! And these pictures are just darling.
    Andrea, you are are best!

  4. Andrea, You did a fantastic job capturing our 1st Great Grandchild, you brought out the love and beauty this child gives. I did print a few of these for her Great, Great 92 year old Grandmother.
    Love your work.
    Rick & Marge Aker

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