Heavenly Intervention

Christmas songs were playing as the torrential rain obscured my view of the beach through the windshield. It was so peaceful, despite the rainstorm. I was sitting in my car with my husband, waiting for the bride and groom. They were running late. I was okay with that because the rain clouds had decided to unleash, & I was hoping we could outlast the storm! However, the forecast said rainstorms for the next several hours on the beach. But I NEVER cancel bridals due to weather! I always hold out hope, & pray that heaven will grant a reprieve. Mitch & Rachel finally arrived, over an hour late. (Darn LA traffic!)

She changed; he changed.  I hollered that he had 30 seconds to get moving! (We were losing daylight…I think😉)🤷🏼‍♀️ My husband took Mitch down to the private beach to wait for his bride. Bride & groom were each armed with their own umbrella, trying to stay dry! I made a makeshift plastic cover for my camera, handed my husband my third and last umbrella, & charged that awesome man with “keeping my camera dry at all costs!” (HE DID!)

As she made her way down the beach and got situated, the rain lessened just a bit. Then, she called his name. He turned around…and saw his bride in her wedding dress for the first time. 

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Then, miracle upon miracles, the rain stopped. Heaven probably decided that one set of waterworks was enough for them on the beach that day. 

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Umbrellas were only needed for their First Look. There was no rain for the next hour which we spent helping them document/celebrate/anticipate their wedding the next day. “Their” children (he already claims them as his own) would be added to the ceremony and their families would all be there to help celebrate. But this time on the beach, it was just for them.

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Then the sun said it’s farewell, & it started to rain….we were officially done. 

Enjoy their visual celebration!

-and come back next week for their wedding post 🥰

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beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS
If you’ve made it to the end, you get the bonus pics of Mitch goofing off.
-These are just two of MANY! haha
beach bridals natural light bride groom LDS

December 10, 2019

  1. Jolene says:

    Oh my gosh! I love the story!
    What a beautiful couple. The pictures on the beach are so fun. Looks a lot like the place Jayden and Payton had theirs.
    Andrea, you did a beautiful job. Love your pictures.
    You are the best!

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